Thursday, August 19, 2010


Is it just me, or does anyone else out there get tired of pressing 1 for English? I mean, this country is a melting pot; we are a nation of emmigrants. Each and every one of our ancestors came to this country from another one...and that's awesome. As a result we have become the most powerful nation in the world due to the accumulation of culture, academic principles, religion and economic theories that have been brought here from all over the world. Obviously, immigration is one of the obvious reasons for our success. After all, the American Dream was a reality that came from the dreams of immigrants looking for something more.
That being said, I feel safe in venting my frustration about the current influx of illegal aliens flooding into this country. I mean, it's not the immigrating I's just the illegal part. I mean, aside from the fact that they can use our resources and be awarded the social, economic and political rights of our citizens, they expect us to cater to their language barrier. I grew up in an English speaking country, so I speak English. They grew up in a Spanish speaking counrty, so they speak Spanish. They then moved (illegally) to an English speaking country where the inhabitants speak Englsih, ergo, the logical step is for them to learn English. WRONG! Somehow, we have bought into the lie that we are closed minded if we dont speak Spanish. What the hell? How does this make and logical sense? Oh wait, it doesn't. Every other nationality that has come into this country has assimilated, ergo the phrase "melting pot". I dont see why the Hispanics should be allowed to skip the entire assimilation process when the Irish and Italians and English and French and Russians and Africans and Arabs didn't simply because we live in an age of political correctness and tolerance.
In short, For English, Press 1. Para Espanol, Move to Mexico and Press 2.


  1. Are we the Borg now? haha. Assimilation... resistance is futile. (Star Trek reference)

    Also, melting pot didn't indicate assimilation actually. The melting pot was a melding of cultures... it was called this because the cultures mixed, not because citizens conformed to one set standard.

  2. T_T it became a homogeneous soup after the Oklahoma Land Rush. Don't make me slap you!

  3. If you want to speak English, you can go back to the UK!

    nayhe jawdewlee henayguh yohnaygah, hega ahseeknee UK!
    (phonetically translated cherokee) :-P
