Monday, August 23, 2010


Am I the only one who gets tired of the double standard? If a girl chooses to stay a virgin til' she gets married, then she is a prude, but if she sleeps with someone outside of wedlock, then she is a slut. God help you if you sleep with more than one person. I mean, what are girls in this day and age supposed to do? There is a statistic out that shows that more than half of single men will not date a virgin. There is another statistic that says over 70% of men want to marry a virgin. What's a girl to do?
On the other hand, a guy that has been with several girls is considered "experienced" and is said to "know how to please a girl." If he is a virgin then he is an "untouchable", so to speak, someone who isn't worth the time it would take to teach him how to please you.
So where does that leave us? Confused is where it leaves us. It leaves us with girls losing their virginity just so they can get a date with a "nice guy". It leaves us with guys who are so insecure in bed because they have been taught that they won't be any good the first few girls they go through. The irony is just absurd. The fact that we are still operating under these archaic ideals of feminism and masculinity while trying to move forward into a modern era has left us all with our heads reeling. We are supposed to know everything about the bedroom and how to excel at it, but we are degenerates if we are found surfing the web or watching erotica to figure out what it is we are supposed to know. "Sex sells" so a good portion of the advertisements in this country play on that, but when sexual addiction is at an all time high, we blame the men, not society.
This prolific mess has gotten way out of hand and I, for one, am done buying into the stereotypes and the meaningless expectations of a nation of people whose ideals come from a place of sheer and utter confusion.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Is it just me, or does anyone else out there get tired of pressing 1 for English? I mean, this country is a melting pot; we are a nation of emmigrants. Each and every one of our ancestors came to this country from another one...and that's awesome. As a result we have become the most powerful nation in the world due to the accumulation of culture, academic principles, religion and economic theories that have been brought here from all over the world. Obviously, immigration is one of the obvious reasons for our success. After all, the American Dream was a reality that came from the dreams of immigrants looking for something more.
That being said, I feel safe in venting my frustration about the current influx of illegal aliens flooding into this country. I mean, it's not the immigrating I's just the illegal part. I mean, aside from the fact that they can use our resources and be awarded the social, economic and political rights of our citizens, they expect us to cater to their language barrier. I grew up in an English speaking country, so I speak English. They grew up in a Spanish speaking counrty, so they speak Spanish. They then moved (illegally) to an English speaking country where the inhabitants speak Englsih, ergo, the logical step is for them to learn English. WRONG! Somehow, we have bought into the lie that we are closed minded if we dont speak Spanish. What the hell? How does this make and logical sense? Oh wait, it doesn't. Every other nationality that has come into this country has assimilated, ergo the phrase "melting pot". I dont see why the Hispanics should be allowed to skip the entire assimilation process when the Irish and Italians and English and French and Russians and Africans and Arabs didn't simply because we live in an age of political correctness and tolerance.
In short, For English, Press 1. Para Espanol, Move to Mexico and Press 2.