Picture this: its a cool, crisp morning here in Katy (yeah, right) and you step out on the porch to get your newspaper and you feel a bit chilled. As such, when dressing that morning, you dress so as to maintain a pleasant body temperature while out in this frigid weather. So, you walk out to your car in the 50 ish degree weather and feel comfortable; mission accomplished. Next you get in your car in your scarf, your coat and your Ug's and turn on the heat. WHAT? How does that make any logical sense people? Why do you insist on turning on the heat to make an environment for which you are perfectly suited stifling to the point that your clothes are, at best, absurd. Essentially, you get dressed to go out on a winter's day and protect yourself against the cold, only to climb in your car and make the atmosphere in your car mimic that of a coastal town on the equator. Why people? All you end up doing is taking off your coat in the car so you can regulate your body temperature because now, get this, your too hot. Then, you get to your destination, get out of your mobile sauna and step out into the cold air. Not only does the cold air feel colder now because your body just changed climates, but now you have to put your coat back on. Only now, all of the heat that you were feeling earlier because the coat had insulated you has escaped because you took the damn coat off. See where I'm going with this?
The same thing applies to buildings. If its cold out, your employees or students or customers have dressed for the cold weather. Now, you have them in your building, dressed for it to be 50 degrees while your thermostat reads 80. Whats ironic is that in the summer, when we are all in shorts and flip flops, prepared for the sweltering heat that is Texas, your store isn't even that hot! Where is the logic? We started using heat in our homes in the winter back before we had that fluffy pink stuff in our attics and that nice hard concrete on the floor and all that awesome sheet rock stuff and those great glass windows with weather stripping to protect us from the cold. UGH!
OK people. Our nation needs to make a change. Starting today, when its cold outside, put on your coat, get in your car and turn on your air conditioner. Building managers, when its cold, have your store temp be comparable to the outside. Ya'll know I have a point here. Don't try to fight it...just turn on the air.
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